1Danny Geereedhary35,93

A welcome windy day among many summer days lately of little more than puffs of breeze. Today arrived early at the venue before high tide, but found rather short choppy windblown waters, mixed in with a high east swell surge pushing into the lagoons over the reef so both effects playing on the foil. Not particularly conducive to speed runs and had several foil breach crashes. But on the whole gave it go, not usre ive got the wind speed entries correct as it wasnt consistent but bursts of slightly stronger gusts among just comfortable breeze enogh to keep me up on foil (could habe 15/16 knots into short gust burst of 20-23 kts?. Just wasnt the right wind direction/day for this venue, seaweed & seagrass floating around too didnt help. Still had fun all the same, and got a couple of decent high jumps in the gusts to end on. Went onto another local venue nearby for some more playful wave style foil freeriding afterwards.    

A welcome windy day among many summer days lately of little more than puffs of breeze. Today arrived early at the venue before high tide, but found rather short choppy windblown waters, mixed in with a high east swell surge pushing into the lagoons over the reef so both effects playing on the foil. Not particularly conducive to speed runs and had several foil breach crashes. But on the whole gave it go, not usre ive got the wind speed entries correct as it wasnt consistent but bursts of slightly stronger gusts among just comfortable breeze enogh to keep me up on foil (could habe 15/16 knots into short gust burst of 20-23 kts?. Just wasnt the right wind direction/day for this venue, seaweed & seagrass floating around too didnt help. Still had fun all the same, and got a couple of decent high jumps in the gusts to end on. Went onto another local venue nearby for some more playful wave style foil freeriding afterwards.    

A welcome windy day among many summer days lately of little more than puffs of breeze. Today arrived early at the venue before high tide, but found rather short choppy windblown waters, mixed in with a high east swell surge pushing into the lagoons over the reef so both effects playing on the foil. Not particularly conducive to speed runs and had several foil breach crashes. But on the whole gave it go, not usre ive got the wind speed entries correct as it wasnt consistent but bursts of slightly stronger gusts among just comfortable breeze enogh to keep me up on foil (could habe 15/16 knots into short gust burst of 20-23 kts?. Just wasnt the right wind direction/day for this venue, seaweed & seagrass floating around too didnt help. Still had fun all the same, and got a couple of decent high jumps in the gusts to end on. Went onto another local venue nearby for some more playful wave style foil freeriding afterwards.