
Running Events

2025 Gpskraaijchallenge Wingfoiling
2025 MöhneMeister
2024 Mauritius GPS Wingfoil Speed Challenge 2025
2024 -BritishWingFoilSpeedChallene2025

Event intro

Besides sailing on an individual base you can also subscribe for events. An event consists of a fixed time period in which sailors can race to become first in one of the rankings. Some events are sailed only whenever an organiser gives a call, at other events you can sail whenever you like during the pre set timeframe.

Running your own event

If you are interested to organise an event and you are a Premium Member, than you can get in contact with us and request for an event section on the website. You will get acces to the event admin tool and you can create and moderate your own events. Drop an e-mail to


After subscribing to your event the competitors can subscribe for one or even multiple events at once. Every time a competitor has sailed a session under the event rules at the given spots allowed for the given event this session is added automaticly to all active subscribed events.


When interested you can create sponsored events and in the event banner you can advertise. will ask no fee for the event feature or the event-banners ! When you publish event results or standing it's required that you publish the logo of GPS-Speedsurfing indicating that the event is "Powered by"


GPS-Speedsurfing has no responsible for organizing the events, it is only hosting the events on the technical platform. For any questions you can always contact the local event contact-person who is listed in the event section of the specific event. As GPS-Speedsurfing is in the core a free service for riders it is not allowed to ask financial fee's for event competitior or sponsors without the approval of, in such case please contact us at


You can also publish the event sessions and rankings on your own web site, see [Info and rules] -> [API Integration]



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