1John Messenger39,85
2John Messenger35,36

Super  gusty day on the lake. I  think I was off foil more than on foil, but good to get some speed runs in. Lots of weed and debris, so very hard to get a clear run. Also the gusts were very short, so hard to get a good lit 10 sec run.

Riding the Naish Hover Compact 100 with Naish Mach-1 1100cm2 on 64cm fuselage and 220HA rear with C100/85cm mast.

First session from the day using the 5m Wingsurfer MK4. Wind was a little light to really go fast so I went in and rigged my 6.5m.

USing the new NAISH MACH-1 1100cm2 foil.


Lots of weed and debris in the water, and short gusts, hard to get a solid run in.