by André Oost
16-8-2018 20:12:27 | |
My board isn't listed (as its a custom slalom) and i cant add any new board :S
Anyone else have this problem?
BR, André
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by GP3S Crew
19-8-2018 23:21:31 | |
We just release a new build fixing this issue, could you please give it a try and confirm it's working again ?
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by Ralf Ewers
25-8-2018 06:51:39 | |
For me it is not possible to add a new board/fin/sail
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by Marco Bal
25-8-2018 14:35:01 | |
Nope not possible. You only get a search engine, but I want to add new boards (2019 and 2018)
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by Jan Hendrik de Bruin
26-8-2018 18:19:46 | |
Thnx for feedback, think we have made the "add" feature a bit hard to find, to add new gear (so gear that's not already listed in our overall database) you first have Search, than add a Filter for the specific brand you want to add gear from and scroll down , so will see the button "Add new equipment" underneath. We will discuss this in the next team meeting to improve this....
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by Erwin Rovers
12-9-2018 08:50:22 | |
hi , i also have the same problem , for adding a fin ,
the button ``add new equipment`` does not appear , affter search with a brand
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by Raymond Wortel
17-9-2018 17:02:30 | |
I think it is a cache issue, after searching and filtering a couple of times the button shows itself.
Added 2019 gear yesterday
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by Erwin Rovers
19-9-2018 07:16:19 | |
just tryed searching for 10 minutes , no button , page refreshed sometimes , other browser , nothing so far
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by Raymond Wortel
20-9-2018 17:56:41 | |
post the specs and i'll add it
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by Frank Heinen
22-9-2018 17:05:23 | |
Want to add my new sail but no button to be found. Why is this still not so;lved, was working simle and easy before you made the changes...
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by Frank Heinen
22-9-2018 17:15:50 | |
Ok, seems you have to search on the brand, wait for result , than fill in the brand again in Filter...
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by Dylan de Jong
24-9-2018 14:17:55 | |
Updated the UI today to be more user friendly for this action.
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by Erwin Rovers
26-9-2018 10:52:13 | |
yessssss , works again ,many thanks
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