
This is to formally announce and confirm that Craig Hollins new  WGPSSRC World record of a claimed distance of 836.02 km’s in 24 hrs on the 14/15-02-2022 has been duly ratified by the WGPSSRC. 


Recorded distance average of two GPS = 847.651 KM

Claimed distance 836.02 KM

Calculations: average speed over 24 hr

GPS #1  19.071  Knots

GPS #2  19.070  Knots

Difference between the two GPS = 0.001 knots

Average of two GPS’s: 19.07 knots =  Recorded distance 847.651 KM

Average error: +/- 0.262 Knots

Claimed average speeds average speed minus the average error = 18.809 Kts x 24 = claimed distance   451 416 Nautical Miles = 836.02 km’s

Andrew Daff - Chairman,  WGPSSRC