
Hi, we have opened this thread for feedback & comments for the new BETA firmware for the GW-60,  please leave your comments, feedback and suggestions here. If possible post it in English, so the developers from Locosys can read it also very easy....

GP3S Crew

Good idea! First item:

In the settings menue  the Speed result selection options for the RSLT1A-RSLT4B are not accessible, selecting one of these gives:


RSLT1A-RSLT4B  not accessible

Problem solved with new version of firmware:

Hi !

I have following version installed on my GW60: V1.OG1123E.

Do i need to update ?


Hi Lars,

Best is to use this version -> 

This will fix to minor bugs, first is the Key Lock , the other one gives you the ability to keep on the watch-mode without auto-switch of during normal (non-gps logging) operations

i now have v1.1A0106C and this i great.

i can adjust the 4 screens to what i want to see maybe a fifth screen for nautical mile and then its finished i guess.

great work locosys.!!!

Greetings Ferry

Today I tried the GW-60 on the water and when I upload the SBN file with the GPS website it does not calculate the 1 Hour speed and 24h.

Session info: 

Who might have an answer? 

Best regards,


Hi Bart,

Please mail your track to and we will take a look....



Beta version V1.1G0106C now loaded, everything seems good.

Is there a chance that the date format could have an option for DD.MM?

Hoping to get watch wet this weekend :-)

Cheers george


 is anyone know where i can find  the link of the Beta virsion v1.1A0106C 

Many thanks


New version looks great.

Thanks !

I love the beta, it's a huge improvement. However, I often get "0.00" for alpha500 (actually, I have never seen anything else for alpha). My alphas are usually below 20 knots, but with GPSAR, I at least get them. Maybe there's a speed threshold for alphas in the beta?

A few suggestions for future versions:

- add "session max" (or history max) to the scrolling display (result screen options), possibly for several or all supported categories (so each screen could show last run and best of the day for a category)

- add  a "don't use" category to the scrolling display (to show fewer than 4 screens)

- when using "clear speeds" in the GW60 utility, the history max data should also be cleared; right now, they are not, and must be cleared using the watch buttons. Alternatively (or in addition), a "Delete all" function similar to the GT31 would be useful

Hi there,

Really great to pick up from N-speed, M-speed, 500, 250,... and customize the display almost at will.

I miss something however: I wish I can add time as well.

I do not want to play with the buttons and leave the actual menu or wear another wrist watch!



Oups! I meant clock of course.

i can't find the result page,( top, max 10 sec, alpha, ) or were i can adjust it. (have verion v1.0g1206c)



We are working together with Locosy & the GPS Teamchallenge team on the latest BETA firmware. If it contains no bugs it will be released very soon as an official release, included in this version is:

  • Added speed types support: "MAX"/"NSEC"/"@500"/"100M"/"250M"/"500M"
  • VG MSEC" option. Two time avg speed types(NSEC,MSEC)supported.    
  • Extended Backlite off time(2SEC to 5SEC)
  • Support "DIST unit" ,  a separate "unit" for distance display in GPS mode.
  • Support Stopwatch/Timer in GPS mode,  in GPS "SPEED" screen,uesrs can press "MODE/BACK" key to access "STOPWATCH"/"TIMER" functions
  • Support larger font for 5X10 and Top Result screens 
      manually scroll to 5#NSEC/Top RSLT screens, wait for 4 seconds 
      then the larger(mid) font screens will be displayed automatically.
  • Support "history max" in result screen
     added "TOP" option for RSLT1B,2B,3B,4B.
  • Added "SPD DEL" command in setting menu
  • *Improved "TIMER" time up indication:(besides buzzer/alarm/bell icon)
  • The new firmware reverses screen color to get users' attention until any key is pressed.
  • Added "timer bar" in "ACT SCREEN" screen
  • Added "RSLT TIME" option
  • Two GPS satellite reception screens

The version will likely to be the final version for public firmware 


Hello, some sugestion for the timer. to be usable for races, seconds have to be displayed bigger. Hours are no necesary...

Also would be good to syncronize to next minute as you can do in the race watch if your are late or miss the inital 4 minute count down. Also function to repeat..

have a preset of 4 minutes is good instead of 5 like other timers

thanks and good luck

Locosys has justed released a new Firmware version for the GW-60, as mentioned before this firmware will upgrade your GW-60 to a fully featured GPS device for speedsurfing. Included are several new result screens, including @500, 100m, 250m , 500m and many more ! This new version will be online in a few days time, The following Dropbox has the firmware pack. The pack includes:
- New firmware file, use the existing GW60 updater to upload onto your watch
- Release note which details the history of changes to the firmware during testing
- Watch set-up config instructions for the new features
- Installer for the new Utility for Log file downloading and watch configuration. Note this only works with Window's PCs

Latest firmware also can be foune here...

Great work from Locosys the testers and everyone who helped with version looks perfect.!