
New version of GPS Action Replay version V5.27 ready for download -> , Upgrade asap , so all your sessions will be processed. 

This version will be the new supported version in one month time. Uploads with older versions will be not allowed after this.

Is V5.27 free for existing gpsar licence holders?



Hi, we presume it is, but best is to check it with the developer of GPSAR Pro ->

Dear GP3S crew,

It seems the new version  of GPSAR dos not calculate an alpha the right way. Anyway it dos not appear on the site when uploaded with GPSAR. You can look at the uploads from yesterday at Herkingen. The problem exists with the GT31, the GW60 and the Suunto.

Perhaps it it wise to undo the last update you announced untill Yannick has solved this fault in GPSAR. Thnx in advance

What is wrong with V5.9 ? seems to do the job. 

Has the alpha's been fixed on version 5.27? I have not updated as yet because of Robs findings.



in the 5.27 version Alpha's are not posted. Please inform us when this will be solved, and let us in the meantime use the old versions!

Didn't you test this vesion before making it mandatory?

I prefer GPS-AR over GPS-Results and posting thru the upload on the site because they still after several years have a failure in the distance posted....





Version 5.27 fixes some other speed issues, with a higher proritity than the alpha feature, that's the reason we have pushed this version. We have informed the developer of GPS Action Replay already a few weeks ago, so it will be fixed on short term we expect. Differences in distance are caused by the filters applied by GPS Results/Web Uploader and GPS AR Pro. Both the local version of Results and the Web Uploader use the same software engine and the rule set applied is based on the correct minimum speed, GPS AR Pro has not implemented this rule set correctly for distance. So it's not a failure but a different interpretation of the rule set.

Hmmm, not the way to keep happy users...

-Please make it possible to use the old versions of GPS-AR , as the so called spoeed problem can't be very big, would have been noticed in the previous years I would magine,

-Can you please specify why there is a deduction on the sailed distance and how this deduction is calculated? Where can we find this rule?



Hi Frank,

Not sure why you use the words "so called speed problem"  , but please understand that this issue was recently discovered and already had impact on the top 10 ranking from this year. This is why we have made this descision. The fact is that al members still have the opportunity to upload the tracks using the web-uploader or GPS Results to have a valid and complete session, it also possible to use GPS-AR V5.27, all results are than posted besides the alpha. As mentioned we have forward all this to the developer of GPS-AR Pro, including a link to this posting on the forum. The minimum speed for distance is 5 knots.... below that we don't call it speedsurfing :) 



UPDATE: Just received confirmation that the developer of GPS Action Replay is currently working on a fix for this problem, so we keep you posted !

UPDATE: Received today the message that the problem has been found and developer is now working on the new fixed version, will be online asap....

I've seen version 5.28 appear!

Check ! Just received the message from Yann, new version online for download indeed !

Check, but the upload dos not work because the gp3s site states that this version is outdated when trying to upload.

I think on GP3S an adjustment also has to be made to GPSAR version 5.28 ;-) 

Hi Rob,

Thnx, fixed by Dylan :)

Thnx, everything is working fine now !