
There have been a lot of questions concerning the future of the GT-31 and its successors. The production of the GT-31 has reached the “End of Life” status, so the availability will be limited in the next months. We would like to inform you about the latest developments around some new devices. Maybe you have spotted the “ThingSee One”, our technical group picked it up on the market a few weeks ago, and we have contacted the development team of “ThingSee” earlier this month. This device is not on the market yet, but based on the first technical specifications it looks very promising. 

We have ordered some prototypes, and we expect them to arrive in December, and from that moment on we will work on the development of additional software to use the device on So a lot of work has to be done, but in the meantime please take a look at or maybe even support the project at 

Besides the “ThingSee One” we are also working on a few other scenarios. In the next month we have some meetings with TomTom & Suunto. We want to explore the possibilities of enhancing the software of “standard” GPS-Devices. Target is to reach the current standards of GPS logging at 

So a lot is going on at this moment at, we will keep you posted in next months !

How is the work with Suunto going

Ive just got the Ambit3 after chatting with Dylan and Jan as there are no GT31's available and mine took its final log...

Seems like a really nice device barring the lack of sbn logging with SirFV chipset?

however the ability to code up your own app for display purposes and then export to several gps file formats looks nice

be great to get some input on the watches potential and maybe the genius's have a look at writing an app to display the same features as GT31, speedgenie ability?


Hi Darren,

The app for Suunto is already there:


And a App for NM & Alpha has been made by Michel Meijer


The Suunto is working fine, the only problem is that the additional logging Number of Satellites etc etc is not part of the standard software suite from Suunto, and you can not program this yourself. Unill now all our efforts to contact Suunto at the right level didn't get us the result we where looking for :(  It's a shame, when you see the build quality of the watch, waterproof etc etc and you compare it to the Locosystech GX-52......

Hi Jan

yes, the watch is brilliant, I love it, got on on Saturday, based on our email discussion and recomendations.

Ive done a couple of tests with it and then using the export to gpx feature in movescount then tried to upload the data and no luck

is this down to sat logging as you described?

What about the Tom Tom Version you also mentioned, any better results or info there?

Has anyone managed to actually post times, even though i understand they will not be validated for PB's or Records




Hi Darren,

That should work, please mail me your .gpx file and i will try it, i've used it myself and no problems here...